This Valentine's will you consider taking a few minutes to make someone feel special, someone who might often be overlooked? We all have a story and we all have battles we fight every day. We never know what someone else is facing or how a kind word, smile or small gift might make a big impact.
A few years ago my neighbor lost her husband to a heart attack. We did not know them that well but we always said hello and waved when we saw them in their yard or on a walk. My heart broke for her when she suddenly lost her husband and found herself alone with two college aged sons.
The first year she was a widow my oldest son took her a bouquet of flowers with a note on Valentine's morning. It was a simple gesture and we just wanted her to know she was loved. God placed her on my heart that year and every year since one of my boys has taken her flowers on Valentine's morning. I've never told anyone what we did and I have not spoken directly to her about it as we aren't looking for recognition. I'm writing about it now to give you an idea of what you could do for someone.

It does not have to be expensive or elaborate. A kind word and hug go a long way.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34.
Grace and Peace,