Friday, October 21, 2016

A note to my son on his 18th birthday

My first born, the baby boy who made me a mom first, came into this world 18 years ago today.  My life forever changed that day and it has been a journey filled with equal amounts of joy and heartbreak, tears, celebrations, and an abundance of love. I learned as I went with him, since he was my first and we evolved together.

He learned a lot of life's tough lessons early and I know there are still many to learn. As he moves through the next stage of his life, I hope he remembers a few things I've taught him along the way....

1. Always put God first, always. There are no short cuts on this one.
2. Trust your "inner voice" your gut, that's God whispering to you, listen.
3.  Right is right and wrong is wrong, there are no grey areas. If in your gut, you know it is wrong, do not do it. It is that simple.
4. Respect women always, open doors, pull out her chair, take time to truly listen to her. Treat her like the gift she is.
5. Be joyful, grateful, and humble. Life is full of daily miracles, notice them.
6. You do not need a group of many friends, you need a couple of true friends. When you find them, hold onto them,
7. Remember those life lessons you learned early? Don't forget them, don't repeat them. Learn from them and move forward.
8. Work hard now for the next five years. If you work hard your Senior year and all through college you will be able to play the rest of your life. You will be set up to succeed. If you play the next five years, you will work the rest of your life. The choice is yours, choose wisely.
9. When in doubt, open your bible.  You will find the answers.
10. I am always here for you. No problem is too big, no worry is too small.

Bryce, I truly believe the best is yet to come in your life. God has a plan and it's amazing to watch it unfold. It's been a joy to walk with you the last 18 years. Happy Birthday, today is your day. I hope you celebrate, dance, sing and are joyful today and every day. I love you to heaven and back.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Grace and Peace,

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